Real Estate Agent Dropped In The Ocean

This is what it is like to become a real estate agent.

The gets dropped into the middle of the ocean and is told, “There is land in every direction. Land is closer in some directions and further in others. Now start swimming. Maybe go that way. It has worked for some. Others go that way. Oh, by the way, 85% drown. But you will be fine, just keep swimming.”

The agent looks around and sees nothing but they are hopeful and start swimming in a direction.

They stop to look around to see if anything is around, questioning if this is the right direction.

In the distance, the agent sees someone with a sign, “7 Secrets to Swimming Faster!”

They swim over there and give their email address. They look at it but it isn’t really that special. The agent was doing most of that already. Then the agent hears a bunch of pops everywhere.

As they look around, they see floating signs and boats of all sizes.

The signs say things like, “The Only Map You Need To Win,” “The New Rules Of Swimming,” and “Winners Do This One Thing To Find Paradise.”

The boats are small and big, old and new. Some are shiny and everyone is partying and others are dreary but solid-looking. Some cost money to board which makes the agent think it has value compared to the free ones. But where are the boats going? They aren’t very specific. Will the agent actually get anywhere?

The agent asks one of the average, medium boats what kind of help they offer for help getting to land. For whatever reason, the captain’s plan is odd and unbelievable to the agent. The agent doesn’t think the boat is a fit for them.

Dismayed at the first “Secret” being useless and the captain not being a fit, the agent decides to just move on and start swimming and ignoring the signs and boats because they are all useless it seems.

And then it happens. The agent has been swimming for miles and decides, this can’t be the right direction. They turn to go in another direction in hopes of something changing.

Soon they get discouraged again and just stop. It starts to feel hopeless.

This is the average journey for most agents. They start with hope, get burned by tricks, tips, and advisors that don’t help, and lose hope.

I might have the boat to get you to short. You may have been burned before but don’t give up.

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Real Estate Agent Dropped In The Ocean
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