In Short Sales The Patient Buyer Often Wins

Eighty percent of success is showing up.
-Woody Allen.

I got a call yesterday on one of my short sale listings.  The potential buyer wanted to know if there were any other offers because if there was, she didn’t want to compete.  Too much trouble.

Most anyone who knows a little about short sales knows that banks can take a long time to answer. I think every agent warns their client that a short sale is a long process and to be prepared.  And like the excited kid going to the movie promising to be quiet, they get bored quickly and want to move on, no matter what they promised.

Last year  they were adamant that they would stick around for the 30 days the bank said it would take to respond. 15 days in the buyer walks. 15 more we get accpetance.  Because it was November, and then middle of the holidays and all of the bad financial news, we couldn’t find a new buyer and the home taken back by the bank.

Even if your offer is not the best you may win just because you stuck around.

In Short Sales The Patient Buyer Often Wins

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