Before You Get Your Real Estate License

What you need to do before you get your real estate license is to let every single person know what you are doing. The majority of agents that I see don’t want to say a word about it until they actually have the license.

By then you are already behind. You start by telling people about your dreams, telling them about the work your doing and telling them about your passion. This way they are already used to the idea of you doing real estate.

A lot of people think, “Well I know so many people, I am just going to have business from everywhere.” That’s actually a rarity. Most people don’t wanna work with a first year agent, and all of your friends and family as much as they love you, they know you weren’t doing this yesterday. So they will quietly go use an experienced agent.

Letting them know how much you are into it, showing them how much you know before you even you get your license will put you so much further ahead. Most agents take 3 to 6 months to get going and get a deal on the board. Get a jumpstart.

And other thing to do before you get your license is figure out your goals; why you are doing this and what you want.

Plan that all out so that you can hit the ground running. You do not wanna have to go build your house the night that you need to sleep in it.

Before You Get Your Real Estate License
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