7 Reasons Real Estate Agents Fail

These are in no particular order.

Slow to start – Too many agents get their license and then say, “Now what?” Then they take months to get “everything right.” There a saying in real estate, “If you aren’t prospecting, you’re on your way out.”

Underfunded – In the plainest terms, you don’t have enough money to weather the beginning of a commission-only career or don’t have the money to pay for the tools you need.

Not practicing or learning scripts and how to talk to clients – If you aren’t practicing with someone, you are practicing on the client and that’s not fair to them.

Lack of consistency – Everything you need to do should happen consistently. Otherwise you will live through the roller coaster life that most commission-people unfortunately live through.

Treating this like a hobby – If you want to get paid like a professional, you need to treat this like a profession.

Not getting out of your own way – Learn how it’s done before you get creative and forget “how we did things where I’m from.”

Complaining and commiserating – Complaining leads you to focus on the negative. Complaining to your life partner will lead them to wanting to “save you.” Complaining in a group is just a recipe for disaster. Get around successful people.

7 Reasons Real Estate Agents Fail
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