The Toolbox Fallacy

Are you waiting for just the right thing or time to make your mark? Watch this video.

The Toolbox Fallacy is where someone thinks, “when I get that tool then I can start or I will be successful.”

But it’s usually another tool they think they need after they got. I talk to a lot of agents during interviews for my team and read online questions. I’m shocked at how many people don’t access the tools they already have at their brokerage. Part of it I, believe, is that they are looking for the magic tool, of which there is only one and they are likely avoiding it, work.

KW has a ton of classes available, in person and online. There is a huge amount of resources online. And when our team was at KW, I would interview many KW agents, they were often talking about how they needed more tools. KW has a reputation as a training company (though beyond Ignite, you have to pay for most of it.) Now I’m at a different company that has more free training but the agents aren’t accessing it either.

The successful agents make it happen. They are resourceful. Sure, we need tools, but there were less tools 40 years ago and people sold real estate. Don’t get stuck getting ready to get ready. If your plan doesn’t involve the action you are going to take, you’re holding yourself back for some reason.

I’ve modified a quote I read recently. “If you are unwilling to take action, no one can help you. If you are determined to take action, no one can stop you.”

The Toolbox Fallacy
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