
Avoiding Foreclosure Strategy

The stratedy is called Prove-The-Note.  I wrote about this last March and it may be even more common now.   Banks sell loans to other banks, plus in the last two years 300+ banks have either closed or been bought, and those original notes were lost in the transfer process leaving them on shaky legal ground. If the […]

Interest Rates Got More Interesting

I wrote a post a couple of days ago about how interest rates were bobbing around erraticly.  If you look to the left you will see the interest rate graph with the current drop.  Hopefully the market will stabilize and fear in the market will subside some.  This could be great news but we need […]

Quick Hits

Find the cheapest gas for an area. My client bought this tomato and soon thereafter had an accepted offer.  I am not saying that it brought the offer but when a tomato is called the Mortgage Lifter, what are you going to do? Coyotes are on the rise in Lake Oswego. I was driving through […]

So What Does Move Interest Rates If The Fed Doesn’t?

Here are some important snippets from a main article that will break it down for you. “Rates on longer-term loans, such as the 15-year and 30-year fixed mortgages, are driven by 1-year, 5-year, and 10-year Treasury Note yields. These are auctioned on the open market, and the yields respond to market demand. If there is […]

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