
How Deep Are The Banks In Their Problems?

Commercial Banks lend $9 for every dollar the have.(9X) Average Investment Bank 15X Bank Of America 32X Citibank 47X Oops is right. When they have a bad loan it gets multiplied by those factors. His talk is only a small part about what is going on in our market and world but the whole talk […]

Some Numbers

Remember that these numbers come after one of the fastest run ups in history.   As of 2004, “The average nationwide rise of 47% in median home prices since 1995 (after adjusting for inflation) is like nothing America has ever seen.”  These numbers are national. Sales of single-family homes during the first quarter  were down 20.9% […]

The Market And The Fed

Recovering from some kind of flu gave me the chance to watch CNBC where Bernanke, the fed chief, spoke about the economy. Expects 75-100 banks to go under.  Analyst noted that during the S&L crises, 1600 banks closed. tracks the mergers and closings of banks. This market change is worse than 2001 because mainly […]

“Ignore the Headlines” Says Time Magazine

I always temper any of good news I find, reasons to buy or feelings that things could turn around. I realize to many that if I say the market is great, turning around, etc. then many will say something like this I read in the comment section of Ryan Frank’s Blog: There is little significant […]

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