eXp Shareholder Summit 2020 Notes

Buckle in. I have a bunch of notes. Some thoughts will be new and some will be refreshers of what you knew. I find value in both. These are not in order and just highlights of things that stood out to me.

Brent Gove quoted Teddy Roosevelt and I love this:

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

Theodore Roosevelt 26th President of the U.S. and winner of 1906 Nobel Peace Prize

What will make the biggest difference in your business right now. Go do that. It’s simple but we often complicate things. Take the 30,000 foot view and attack.

Stop thinking about what you can’t do, especially during the quarantine. Be resourceful. Figure out what you can do.

Without failure, are you really growing? It’s kind of like muscles.

Jay Kinder – “If business is coming from unpredictable sources then your business is unpredictable.” It doesn’t matter what works, it matters what is duplicable.

The difference in the top agents to the average agents according to Jay is that they are:

  1. Marketing Masters – They select a target, they figure out where the they are (traffic), they figure out the offer to entice them and then they converty
  2. Leverage – They work on what generates income. They delegate. They are freaks about their calendar. Working 80 hours a week isn’t more money, it’s less money per hour. He loves Dan Kennedy books.
  3. They solve things efficiently and effectively.

Ask yourself, “What is your goal?” Then ask if you are really sure about that. It’s easy to want, it’s harder to commit.

I heard this multiple times from high producing agents, “You can’t control the outcome but you can control the work you do. Focus on the work, not the results.” This goes along with when I talk about not watching the scoreboard. Just run the plays.

Follow up can’t just be automated but it can be systematized.

Old contacts are starting to convert better but you have to be consistent, not random in your approach.

Chad makes videos about the area and less about real estate. Works better. If the average person buys every 7-10 years, your real estate content will fall on deaf ears.

“If you always make it about them, it will eventually be about you.”

Clients don’t care or really notice which brokerage you are at. One agent surveyed his clients and 8 of them asked, “What brokerage are you at now?” It was eye opening to him. I see a lot of people that feel stuck to their brokerage.

Simple script:

  • “Do you own any real estate?”
  • “Where do you live?” or “Would you like to own real estate?”
  • “Who do you refer your real estate business to?”
  • “Would you consider referring them to me?”

Text Script:

  • New lead comes in – “Bob, is that you?”
  • Bob replies, “Who’s this?”
  • You reply, “Hold on, I’ll call you.”

Record a bunch of “checking in” videos at once so they are at the ready. One agents has new team members come in with 7 or more shirts. They film, “Hi, it’s Mike, just checking in,” or “Hi, it’s Mike. I wanted to make sure I didn’t drop the ball. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Don’t interrogate over text. The more questions you have the more you push them away. Set the appointment. Nothing else.

“You can’t say the wrong thing to the right person.” That really stuck with me. I’m not sure why that gave me the feels.

Jenny sold 40 homes ($8,000,000) her first year in a new city. She did everything and I’m pretty sure she’s fearless. Also has kids. Four years later she is mainly referrals only.

Brian farms his neighborhood for convenience. Has almost no miles on his car, has done 1000 deals in 17 years.

On YouTube, your thumbnail image is significantly more important than all of the tags and SEO ideas. Faces didn’t matter much to my surprise.

Jon Gordon – Power of Positivity

“We get burned out because we forget why we are doing something.”

Optimistic MBA graduates get paid more, spend less time looking for a job and are more likely to get promoted. “Optimists are more willing to disengage from unrealistic courses of action, and re-engage in more practical ones; they are more willing to adapt, and this seems to be part of the reason for their success.”

“Your attitude is your advantage.”

“I’ve learned to talk to myself versus listening to myself.” That’s such a fine line but so important.”

“Fear and faith both believe in a future that hasn’t happened.”

Verl Workman

“Agents are not instrumental in the WHY people buy or sell. It’s a life event. We aren’t called to convert. We are called to serve. It’s like a river. It will flow whether we are there or not. We just want some lines in the water.”

I really like this concept. What popped in my head was an image of a taxi cab driver honking his horn at every pedestrian. That’s not going to make them want to take a cab ride. It’s a waste of time and annoying but that is what most agents do, constantly honk the horn.

“Anything you have done 3 times should become a system.”

“Nothing is more contagious than a bad attitude.”

I didn’t write down who said this but in regards to always learning he said, “When you are green, you grow. When you are ripe, you rot.”

eXp Shareholder Summit 2020 Notes
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