Episode 56 – Dale Chumbley

Dale Chumbley podcast

I’m so happy to have Dale as the kickoff to my rebranded podcast!

I met Dale through Twitter over 10 years ago. When I met him I knew social media was built just for this guy. You may have heard about him from his amazingly popular facebook page, 365 Things To Do In Vancouver, that was the fastest growing Facebook page I’ve ever seen.

Dale’s been a Realtor for 27 years and does it his way, including traveling 100 days last year and still closing just as many deals. He’s involved with Realtor Associations, boards and committees, including being President of the Washington Association of Realtors. He has spoken several real estate events across the country. Mr. Social likes to be involved in a lot of things.

We cover a wide-range of topics. Sit back and get to know Dale Chumbley.

Find him on Twitter, Instagram or his Facebook Page (and probably a bunch of platforms I don’t even know about, lol.)

Episode 56 – Dale Chumbley
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