There are many reasons to love Portland but I just want to list the overall benefits of our location and climate. We mayhave incidents of the items I list but it isn’t so much that anyone expects these things. I love Portland because we don’t have:
- Tornadoes
- Rattlesnakes
- Hurricanes
- Scorpions
- Earthquakes
- Droughts
- Floods (at least not like the midwest)
- Alligators
- Lightning striking people (in the east, you don’t play in a storm)
- Avalanches
- Crocodiles
- Blizzards
- 120 degree heat
- Snakes the color of fall leaves (Copperhead)
- Chiggers (In the South)
- Tsunami (so far)
- Traffic (come on, it doesn’t touch other big cities)
Can you think of any others?
Why I Love Portland