Quick Post

DISC Insights: Trophies For 1st Or For Everyone?

This hit me the other day. High D’s want competition, they want to win which means they need someone to lose. They can’t stand the idea of having trophies for everyone. Without the scoreboard, they, and they assume everyone else, won’t try as hard and give it their all. High S’s wants harmony and for […]

Stop Fighting Script Practice and Role Play

One time Robin Williams was being interviewed long ago and doing that magic comedic improv thing that he does. The interviewer asked how he makes that stuff up so quickly. He said, “I don’t. I’ve already thought of it before and get to say it now.” Eminem studied the dictionary to learn as many words […]

False Cognates

A false cognate is when a word in one language appears to similar to another but is nothing like it. You, or someone you know, might have fallen into this trap with the Spanish word “embarazada.” While at first glance it makes perfect sense that this word would be “embarrassed,” you would be embarrassed to […]

Don’t chase

For Father’s Day every year, I would take my dad to the local casino and we would play his favorite game which is Keno. I tried to create a “system” where I would notice what numbers were hitting the most and then try to play those. My dad said that that was not the right […]

I Know, I Know…

Whenever you say this, studies have shown parts of your brain literally turn off. You’ve also watched this happening with people in your life. Your brain wants to be efficient. If you think you know something, why would it pay attention? As a coach and trainer, I’ve seen it happen over and over where someone […]

The Greatest Luxury Is Sleep

We can’t sleep when we are scared or hungry. If we feel unsafe, there’s no way to get restful sleep. It’s often when we feel all is right in our world that we get the best sleep. That sounds like luxury to me

Everyone Wants A Deal

Right now we are at the lowest inventory that most markets have seen in a long time, if ever. So often the consumer focuses on the purchase price in regards to whether or not something is a “deal.” Many would argue that the deal right now is interest rates that are at the lowest they’ve […]

One Bad Apple Theory

The theory is usually used to deflect attention from a group and isolate an individual or cluster. The problem is that we are literally comparing apples to humans. But for those stuck on that, if you do see one bad apple, don’t you check the others to see if they were spoiled? The Bad Apple […]

New Day, New Month, New Start

It’s funny how we argue for our limitations sometimes. A lot of people start new diets, new ideas or new paths at the beginning of the month or the beginning of a week. Others judge and sneer at the seemingly random nature of these dates and times. Sure it may seem illogical at first but […]


Why Am I Talking Telling isn’t selling but agents get so worried about getting the next client they talk too much. Listen more, hear more, connect more and talk less. Dale Carnegie talks about this in his book, “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” He “talked” with a woman who did almost all of […]

Easily Bored

When I was a kid I would try to find a way to make boring tasks interesting easier. One time I took the weed whacker and tried to were the garden. It was called a weed whacker! Why shouldn’t I try it? I ended up taking the tops of half of the onions and that […]

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