Sure why not.
“Michael Crews Development is offering new, 2000-square foot cityscape row-homes worth $400,000 in Escondido for free — if you buy one Royal View Estate home in San Pasqual Valley starting at $1.6 million.”
Creativity is at an all time high.
- Auctions
- Free cars
- Vacations
- and now buy one get on free.
This is why builders can be a good barometer of an area’s market. They, in theory, have more room to be flexible. Of course there can be flaws such as overbuilding like in Happy Valley. I wonder if that will be Buena Vista’s next idea.
And of course like any good promotion it ended before it got a lot of press. So they get the press but don’t have to do it. I heard a local builder on a radio station on Sunday around 7pm for their promotion that ended at 5pm. They did something rare in their industry. They said for buyers to come in and write their best offer. Builders are notorious for not reducing their prices on written offers. They prefer incentives to keep comparables up.