If you take ownership of the situation, a lot of things change. It can always be someone else’s fault, that’s easy.
Working through whatever it is will make you stronger. Some of the top agents in the business started during the Great Recession. When you want it, you just figure it out. You do the work.
The moment you start blaming the market, the rates, etc, is the second you lose power over your own destiny.
I heard about an agent that who had her first 14 deals fall apart. Think about that. You get 14 contracts going and they all go away. No money, no nothing, except experience. I asked if she stayed in real estate, the team leader said, “Oh yeah. She said if she could put 14 deals together, she could put 15 together.” If she blamed bad luck, she could have thought she was cursed and it’s kind of over with that kind of thinking because then fate is against you.
Ownership gives you control.
Read Extreme Ownership by Jocko Wilinick or watch the video below to give you some perspective on that.