If you help enough people get what they want…

People involved in sales (some see real estate as sales) have a reputation as being about themselves. That’s never been me.

As we often do, we recall things differently than what they really were, especially quotes. I’ve been misquoting Zig Ziglar for a very long time.

Here’s his real quote:

My recollection was that “they” came first because that’s what I do.  

I have told the divorcing client he shouldn’t buy a house.  He looked at me like I was an alien. “But you’re a Realtor, why would you suggest that?” I explained that based on his situation, his goals and what I’d learned about him, this was my professional opinion. He moved far away some months later to take an opportunity like I expected and a new house would have hindered or stopped that from happening.

I happened to be helping the person who referred him to me several years later. I asked, “Did he ever tell you I suggested he NOT buy a house?” She said, “Yep! He told me that and I said, ‘That sounds like Mike!'”

I’ve told people to rent instead of buy. I’ve told people to wait when I saw the Great Recession starting.

I truly believe in helping people, specifically with my strengths and I will help their learning curve and, surprisingly, my own.  So back to the question of why this site.  If you are here, you have questions/doubts/troubles. I have seen a lot, and done a lot, and I think I have a pretty unique perspective on all of the different aspects of this life that is real estate.

Reach out to me if you have questions about real estate and how the career might fit you, or even fit you better than it is right now.  I truly enjoy helping people. No strings attached.

Want my full story? Check it out here.

If you help enough people get what they want…
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