Can You Limit Repair Requests From The Buyer

Trying to limit repair requests from the buyer doesn’t work for a couple of reasons;

1. If you say I will only pay $X towards repairs then you have already given up that much money.  What if the repairs are $100 more or $500 more?  Will you let the house go for that?  I have had homes with no repairs requested.  If they offered $750 it would have absolutely been requested.

2. If you say that the house is “AS-IS’ no repairs like the bank owned properties often do, what happens if the lender won’t give a loan until the repair is done?  Plus the other side rarely believes you as I talk discuss in the video above.

So instead of setting up demands or limits just let the inspection happen and then negotiate.

UPDATE: 10 days after I wrote this I got a counter offer where the sellers are trying to limit repairs to $500. It doesn’t change anything except my client will absolutely ask for at least $500 in repairs. If

Can You Limit Repair Requests From The Buyer

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